segunda-feira, 21 de maio de 2007

Tocou fundo.

Keep Breathing
By Ingrid Michaelson

The storm is coming but I don't mind.
People are dying, I close my blinds.

All that i know is I'm breathing now.

I want to change the world...instead I sleep.
I want to believe in more than you and me.

But all that I know is I'm breathing.
All i can do is keep breathing.
All we can do is keep breathing now.

All that I know is I'm breathing.
All I can do is keep breathing.
All we can do is keep breathing now.

All we can do is keep breathing
All we can do is keep breathing
All we can do is keep breathing
All we can do is keep breathing.
All we can do is keep breathing now.

2 comentários:

Srta processável! disse...

hj acordei com " e guardo a impressão de que já vi passar, um ano sem te ver, um ano sem te amar..."

só assim pra eu saber de vc tb néam??? rs

clica no contador que ele te redireciona pro site xuxu!


Srta processável! disse...

como eu faço pra colocar aquele muralzinho de fotos do fotolog no blog???

oto beijo!